Email Address

Phone Number

+233 54 345 2300​

Our Location

CG-0910-1651, Krispo-City,


  Sally Anokye Yeboah is an energetic young woman with strong passion for the less privilege with particular attention on women and girls; 

she is the founder and Executive Director for SFLIG volunteers; she has worked with the non-profit sector since 2007 at both national and 

international level. She was a focal member and advocate for the MDGs campaign as well as the SDGS. Sally runs girls empowerment 

clubs in selected orphanages and communities where she educate them on their self-esteem and self-worth. Her passion is to see a liberated 

youth especially the girl child and the less privilege in the society having all the basic necessities of life and contributing to national 

development making them cornerstones in nation building. She is self-motivated, very resilient, and diligent and sees her work as her 

mission and reason why she has been given life.