Email Address

Phone Number

+233 54 345 2300​

Our Location

CG-0910-1651, Krispo-City,

Social Intervention

Our Social Intervention Campaigns


Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don’t live in the world all of your own.”

Albert Schweitzer


Fedding Project

Our feeding project aims to prevent families from going to bed on empty stomachs. It breaks our hearts to see children and families suffering from hunger every day. We believe every child and family…

Menstrual Hygiene

Menstrual Hygiene is a big challenge among girls from poor homes and backgrounds in Ghana. These girls miss 5 days of school every month due to a lack of sanitary products. To manage their menstrual…

Single and Teenage Mothers Support

SFLIG Volunteers Single and Teenage Mothers Support Program provides hope and assistance to mothers in need. Many teenage mothers are not able to return to school after giving birth due to social


Mentoring teen girls is a core mandate of SFLIG Volunteers. At SFLIG Volunteers, we firmly believe that mentorship plays a crucial role in shaping our society. Mentoring teen girls involves sharing.

Back to School

Back to School is a stationary and tuition fee support initiative by SFLIG Volunteers. It breaks our hearts to see children struggling to get an education due to financial difficulties. Though tuition.

Help Us

Your Donation Can Change Someone’s Life

We envisage a voluntary journey, promoting self-awareness in the individual volunteer, and the opportunity to give as well as to receive.

Opening Hours

Sunday - Saturday

Accra, Ghana

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Children Saved

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Campaigns Running

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